Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Relic The Profile

oil on canvas
Click to buy now

The first time I saw the bust of this Indian head I’ve wanted to paint a portrait of it.  It was an artifact a friend of mine had in his home.   

Detail 1

A piece he brought back from one of his many trips, over the years, to India.  I was able to sit in and do a few studies of it, as well as, take a few photos for further reference to use later. 

Detail 2

 I started the under painting late on Friday evening after I finished my Pencil work. 

Here’s the final pencil sketch in all of its glory.
Here it is getting the full mud treatment of burnt umber and turps…
Sorry "stupid-phone" shot 1

Nice and swirly…

Sorry "stupid-phone" shot 2

Evened out …

Sorry "stupid -phone" shot 3
Initial Rub out ala “Flemish”…

Sorry "stupid-phone" shot 4

Working on the final color stage.

Thursday, April 24, 2014

Orange & Martini featured on
Oil on hardboard

Looks like this one was eye catching, it got picked to be featured on the homepage at  “One of our homepage curators picked your image because they thought it was brilliant.”  Thank you RedBubble!  Time to crack a beer, cheers!

Check it out!

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Cathedral Rock Spire

oil on canvas panel
Click to see auction or bid

I took a series of photographs will in Sedona a few years ago and this one was a favorite.  I caught the moon just as it was setting when we were heading back to the car lot as the sun was setting.  I like the contrast and how hot the rock face appears. 
This made for a great little study as there was a lot of light bouncing around off the canyon walls.  Values were running from hot reds to cool violets and cobalt blues. 
Pencil sketch
I couldn’t resist getting a little involved in the pencil sketch as I love to draw.  Usually, I keep it pretty loose and basic or don’t draw at all and just go into a paint sketching and under painting.

Thursday, April 10, 2014

The Old One Eighty #2
Oil on canvas panel

This is another angle of the rusted out 1940's Packard I photographed while in Jerome, Az.  again, it had a lot of character so I took a whole oft of photos.  Painting this was interesting in translating smooth to semi smooth surfaces along with heavily rusted areas to a canvas panel.

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

The Old One Eighty
oil on canvas panel
I saw this car while in Jerome, Az.  It had a lot of character so I took a whole lot of photos for reference.  Cropping in on the headlamp from a low angle made for a nice dynamic painting.

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Retired Fifty-seven
Oil on canvas board
Click to see auction or bid

This thing was pretty beat up and looks to be missing parts of the grill and body trim. I've seen this thing parked in the same spot for over a year and had it in the back of my mind to finally do a painting of it.